Equinox News
Equinox installs telescope for stellar object sky survey
September 2, 2005. Equinox Interscience, Inc. (EI) announced today
the installation of a custom 16-inch primary telescope at the
Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii, the first of two telescopes planned for
the Very Young Stellar Object Survey (VYSOS) which is
dedicated to the systematic monitoring of nearby
star forming regions along the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Equinox to build telescopes for stellar object sky survey
December 16, 2003. Equinox Interscience, Inc. (EI) announced today
the receipt of a contract award to build dual synoptic telescopes
for the Very Young Stellar Object Survey (VYSOS) project. The
VYSOS project is dedicated to the systematic monitoring of nearby
star forming regions along the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Equinox delivers
new 30-inch telescope system
Aug 7, 2003. Equinox Interscience, Inc. announced today that it
has completed the installation of a new astronomical telescope system
for the University of Denver (DU) Student Astronomy Lab. The effort
culminated with a crane lift of the new telescope to the roof of the DU
Physics building in Denver, Colorado.
Deep Sky Black
now space qualified
July 20, 2003.
Equinox Interscience, Inc. announced today that their
optical black coating product, Deep Sky Black is now space qualified.
During rigorous testing by Sandia
National Laboratory at the NASA White Sands Test Facility,
Deep Sky Black passed all tests magnificently to demonstrate its
suitability for use in space.
Equinox wins NASA
contract for Mars mineral analyzer
April 11, 2003
Equinox Interscience, Inc. announced the receipt
of a $1.3M contract from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory to
develop a Mineral Identification & Composition Analyzer (MICA)
for use on future Mars missions.
The objective of the MICA project is to demonstrate how optical
imaging combined with x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence
techniques can facilitate rapid geological reconnaissance of
Martian surface materials.